2003-09-20 New, lovely pictures of Nenne's (and our) first born torties! They are to participate at a show in Gothenburg, and we understand if competitors are trembling...  ;-) (Partial? Moi? Don't know what you're talking about... ;-))

Simon och Isa. Foto: A GavikCoola, vackra Mimmi. Foto: A Gavik

Vacker Isa. Foto: A GavikMimmi funderar ut bus? Foto: A Gavik

2003-09-13 Having listened to Tintin screaming for a date long enough, we finally decided to let her have her much longed-for date. She is not yet one year old, but close enough, we thought. And hey presto, was the girl quiet in a jiffy. I had not thought of threating her with a date in order to shut her up, but it seems to work fine, she has been so quiet since.
Tintin under hundfilten, full av bus
Instead she is busy teaching the kittens all kinds of hooliganism. As can be witnessed by the picture to the left, she is teaching the kittens how to hide under a felting, and then jump on innocent bypassers. That is a game no siamese can cope without, Tintin figures. The kittens are very attentive students, and will have no trouble playing this game, and many more, in their new homes. The mother of the kittens, Nenne, will take no responsibility for that kind of behaviour, she claims she has never raised anything but neat, well-behaved young ladies. Reports from Gothenburg give a quite different picture though.

Absolutely fabulous pictures of our first-born torties were received, to my great joy. All photos taken by their new owners, Gavik. See also moving pictures! Film 1 and Film 2.

"We had the best of luck, sis"                "Hey, lazy-bones, what's up?"            Mimmi has found the perfect place to be.

2003-08-26 The kittens are getting quite big now and really fast and clever, or so they like to think. Perhaps inspired by the World Championship in Athletics, they practice sprint racing, long jumping and high jumping. A branch of athletics not yet introduced in

the world championship, but practiced by the kittens is the popular "bite-your-mate's-legs" branch. Not appreciated by all, might be added. Mummys milk is their favourite food, but some other stuff might be alright if it is served on a finger. Peeing on their own for the very first time was a great event and milestone in their lives, or so they let everybody believe, as they were screaming and demanding an audience. Large dogs are OK to look at but kind of scary up close, and smaller dogs are preferred.



2003-08-10 Who is the lucky dog?

2003-07-31 Tintin is in heat again. She seems to be rather clever, since no partners show up, she just screems a little bit louder. I do not think there is a limit... ;-)

Since the screeming seems to lead nowhere,
alternatives are explored.

2003-07-30 The kittens have found their new home, and will be moving soon. Together! :-) A certain previous owner will be in tears, no doubt...

Not being particulary jittery before the journey.

2003-07-13 The kittens have been out for a short visit, feeling the sun in the coat and looking at the flowers and the grass. They were totally amazed, looked at the butterflies and talked continuously ("Look at me, look, look...!").

Amazed chocolate tortie - "I thought the world ended at the front door?"


Equally amazed blue tortie - "Mom, what is this green stuff? Feels funny!"

Fatigued cats, the strange experience making them exhausted...